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Download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 and Boost your Learning: Study Guides and Workbooks

How to Download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 Exam Paper and Memo

Are you a Grade 12 learner who is preparing for your final exams in Life Sciences? If so, you might be looking for some past exam papers and memos to help you revise and practice your skills. One of the most useful resources that you can use is the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo. This is the first paper of the National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination for Life Sciences, which covers topics such as cells, tissues, organs, systems, homeostasis, respiration, excretion, and human reproduction. In this article, we will show you how to download this exam paper and memo from various sources, and how to use them effectively for revision. We will also provide you with some tips and strategies on how to improve your marks for Life Sciences P1.

What is Life Sciences P1?

Life Sciences P1 is the first of the two papers that you have to write for the NSC examination for Life Sciences. The NSC examination is the final assessment that you have to take at the end of Grade 12 to obtain your matric certificate. The NSC examination is administered by the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and is aligned with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) for Life Sciences.

download life sciences p1 november 2020

Life Sciences P1 consists of 150 marks and has a duration of 2 hours and 30 minutes. It contains four questions that are based on the following topics:

  • Question 1: Cells and Tissues (25 marks)

  • Question 2: Organs and Systems (50 marks)

  • Question 3: Homeostasis (25 marks)

  • Question 4: Respiration, Excretion, and Human Reproduction (50 marks)

The questions are a mix of multiple-choice, short-answer, and long-answer questions. You have to answer all the questions in the exam paper. The exam paper is written in English or Afrikaans, depending on your choice of language.

Why is Life Sciences P1 important for Grade 12 learners?

Life Sciences P1 is important for Grade 12 learners because it tests your knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and principles of biology that are relevant to your everyday life and the world around you. By studying Life Sciences P1, you can develop your scientific literacy, critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills that are essential for your future studies or careers in biology, medicine, health, or environmental fields.

Life Sciences P1 also helps you to prepare for Life Sciences P2, which is the second paper of the NSC examination for Life Sciences. Life Sciences P2 covers topics such as genetics, evolution, biodiversity, classification, ecology, and environmental issues. Life Sciences P2 has a similar format and marking scheme as Life Sciences P1, but it has a higher level of difficulty and complexity. Therefore, by mastering Life Sciences P1, you can boost your confidence and performance for Life Sciences P2.

How to download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo?

There are different sources that you can use to download the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo. Here are some of the most popular and reliable sources that we recommend:

The Department of Basic Education website

The DBE website is the official source of the NSC examination papers and memos. You can access the website from any device that has an internet connection. To download the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from the DBE website, follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Click on "Examinations" on the top menu bar.

  • Select "National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations" from the drop-down list.

  • Scroll down to "NSC November 2020 Question Papers and Memos" and click on it.

  • You will see a list of subjects and papers. Find "Life Sciences" and click on "P1".

  • You will see two links: one for the exam paper (PDF) and one for the memo (PDF). Click on each link to download them to your device.

The DBE website also provides other useful information and resources for NSC examination candidates, such as exam timetables, study guides, past papers, exemplars, etc. You can explore them at your own pace.

The WCED ePortal

The WCED ePortal is an online platform that provides educational resources for learners and teachers in the Western Cape province. You can access the ePortal from any device that has an internet connection. To download the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from the WCED ePortal, follow these steps:

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  • Go to

  • Click on "Grade 12" on the top menu bar.

  • Select "Past Exam Papers" from the drop-down list.

  • You will see a list of subjects and papers. Find "Life Sciences" and click on "P1".

  • You will see two links: one for the exam paper (PDF) and one for the memo (PDF). Click on each link to download them to your device.

The WCED ePortal also provides other useful resources for Grade 12 learners and teachers, such as textbooks, videos, podcasts, worksheets, etc. You can explore them at your own pace.

The SA Exam Papers website

The SA Exam Papers website is an online platform that provides past exam papers and memos for various subjects and grades in South Africa. You can access the website from any device that has an internet connection. To download the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from the SA Exam Papers website, follow these steps:

  • Go to

  • Click on "Grade 12" on the left sidebar.

  • Select "Life Sciences" from the list of subjects.

  • You will see a list of papers and memos. Find "Life Sciences P1 Nov 2020" and click on it.

  • You will see two links: one for the exam paper (PDF) and one for the memo (PDF). Click on each link to download them to your device.

The SA Exam Papers website also provides past exam papers and memos for other subjects and grades, as well as study guides, tips, and tricks. You can explore them at your own pace.

How to Use Life Sciences P1 November 2020 Exam Paper and Memo for Revision

Now that you have downloaded the Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo, you might be wondering how to use them effectively for revision. After all, simply downloading them is not enough to improve your marks. You have to use them strategically and systematically to enhance your knowledge and skills. In this section, we will provide you with some tips and strategies on how to use the exam paper and memo for revision, such as planning a study schedule, practising under exam conditions, checking answers with the memo, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and seeking feedback.

How to plan a study schedule for Life Sciences P1?

One of the first steps that you have to take before using the exam paper and memo for revision is to plan a study schedule. A study schedule is a plan that outlines when, where, and how you will study for Life Sciences P1. A good study schedule can help you to manage your time, organize your tasks, monitor your progress, and stay motivated. To plan a study schedule for Life Sciences P1, follow these steps:

  • Start early. Don't wait until the last minute to start studying for Life Sciences P1. Give yourself enough time to review the content, practise past papers, and revise mistakes. Ideally, you should start studying at least six weeks before the exam date.

  • Set goals. Decide what you want to achieve by studying for Life Sciences P1. For example, you might want to improve your marks by 10%, master a certain topic, or answer all the questions correctly. Write down your goals and make them SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound).

  • Prioritize topics. Identify which topics are more important or difficult for you based on the exam paper content and your own performance. Focus more on these topics than on those that are less important or easy for you. However, don't neglect any topic completely. You should cover all the topics in Life Sciences P1 at least once.

  • Review regularly. Don't cram all your studying into one session. Instead, spread out your studying over several sessions and review the content frequently. This will help you to retain the information better and avoid forgetting it. You can use various methods to review the content, such as reading notes, making summaries, drawing diagrams, or using flashcards.

Here is the continuation of the article:

How to practise under exam conditions for Life Sciences P1?

Another step that you have to take to use the exam paper and memo for revision is to practise under exam conditions. Practising under exam conditions means that you simulate the environment and the rules of the actual exam when you do the exam paper. This can help you to familiarize yourself with the format, time limit, and marking scheme of the exam paper, as well as to improve your speed, accuracy, and confidence. To practise under exam conditions for Life Sciences P1, follow these steps:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable place to do the exam paper. Make sure that you have enough space, light, and ventilation. Avoid any distractions, such as your phone, TV, or music. If possible, ask someone to invigilate you or keep track of your time.

  • Follow the instructions on the exam paper. Read the instructions carefully and make sure that you understand them. Follow them exactly as they are given. For example, if the instructions say that you have to answer all the questions in the exam paper, don't skip any question or leave any blank spaces.

  • Use the same materials and tools that you will use in the actual exam. Use a pen or pencil that is allowed in the exam. Don't use any calculators, dictionaries, notes, or other aids that are not permitted in the exam. If you need any additional materials, such as graph paper or a ruler, make sure that you have them ready before you start.

  • Stick to the time limit and the marking scheme of the exam paper. The time limit for Life Sciences P1 is 2 hours and 30 minutes. Don't exceed this time limit or take any breaks during the exam. The marking scheme for Life Sciences P1 is 150 marks. Don't give more or less marks than what is allocated for each question or subquestion.

How to check answers with the memo for Life Sciences P1?

The next step that you have to take after practising under exam conditions for Life Sciences P1 is to check your answers with the memo. The memo is a document that provides the correct answers and the marking guidelines for each question in the exam paper. Checking your answers with the memo can help you to assess your performance, identify your mistakes, and learn from them. To check your answers with the memo for Life Sciences P1, follow these steps:

  • Compare your answers with the memo after completing the exam paper. Don't look at the memo before or during the exam paper. This will defeat the purpose of practising under exam conditions and will not give you an accurate reflection of your performance.

  • Interpret the memo symbols correctly. The memo uses different symbols to indicate how marks are awarded or deducted for each answer. For example, \u2713 means correct answer, \u2717 means incorrect answer, \u2713\u2713 means two marks, etc. Make sure that you understand what each symbol means and how it affects your marks.

  • Mark your own work honestly and objectively. Don't be too lenient or too harsh on yourself when marking your own work. Follow the memo guidelines strictly and don't give yourself any extra marks or deductions that are not justified by the memo. Be honest about your mistakes and acknowledge them.

Here is the continuation of the article:

How to identify strengths and weaknesses for Life Sciences P1?

Another step that you have to take after checking your answers with the memo for Life Sciences P1 is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Your strengths are the areas that you performed well in, while your weaknesses are the areas that you need to improve on. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses can help you to plan your revision strategy, focus on your gaps, and enhance your marks. To identify your strengths and weaknesses for Life Sciences P1, follow these steps:

  • Analyze your performance based on the memo feedback. Look at the marks that you obtained for each question and subquestion in the exam paper. Compare them with the marks that are allocated by the memo. See which questions or topics you scored high or low marks on.

Use a SWOT analysis to identify your areas of improvement and areas of confidence. A SWOT analysis is a tool that helps you to evaluate your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. You can use a SWOT analysis to identify your areas of improvement (weaknesses and threats) and areas of confidence (strengths and opportunities) for Life Sciences P1. For example, you can use a table like this:

  • Strengths Weaknesses --- --- I have a good understanding of cells and tissues. I struggle with human reproduction. I can answer multiple-choice questions quickly and accurately. I find it hard to answer long-answer questions in full sentences. Opportunities Threats --- --- I can improve my marks by practising more past papers and memos. I might lose marks if I don't use correct terminology or show calculations. I can learn from my mistakes by seeking feedback from my teacher or tutor. I might get stressed or anxious if I don't manage my time well. Make a list of action points based on your SWOT analysis. Based on your SWOT analysis, make a list of action points that you can take to improve your areas of improvement and maintain your areas of confidence. For example, you can make a list like this:

  • Review the content and concepts of human reproduction.

  • Practise writing long-answer questions in full sentences.

  • Use correct terminology and show calculations where applicable.

  • Seek feedback from my teacher or tutor on my exam paper answers.

  • Manage my time well and avoid stress or anxiety.

How to seek feedback for Life Sciences P1?

The final step that you have to take after identifying your strengths and weaknesses for Life Sciences P1 is to seek feedback. Feedback is the information that you receive from others about your performance, such as your teacher, peers, or tutor. Feedback can help you to improve your understanding, correct your mistakes, and enhance your skills. To seek feedback for Life Sciences P1, follow these steps:

  • Ask for feedback from your teacher, peers, or tutor on your exam paper answers. Don't be afraid or shy to ask for feedback from others who can help you improve your marks for Life Sciences P1. Be polite and respectful when asking for feedback, and explain why you need it and what you want to achieve.

  • Receive feedback constructively and positively. Don't take feedback personally or defensively. Instead, listen carefully and attentively to what others have to say about your exam paper answers. Thank them for their feedback and appreciate their time and effort.

  • Use feedback to improve your performance. Don't ignore or dismiss feedback that you receive from others. Instead, use it to improve your performance for Life Sciences P1. For example, if someone tells you that you need to work on your long-answer questions, practise writing more long-answer questions and check them with the memo or ask for more feedback.

How to Improve Your Marks for Life Sciences P1

In this article, we have shown you how to download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from various sources, and how to use them effectively for revision. We have also provided you with some tips and strategies on how to improve your marks for Life Sciences P1. In this section, we will summarize the main points of the article and provide some additional resources and tips for improving marks for Life Sciences P1.

Summary of the main points

Here are the main points that we have covered in this article:

  • Life Sciences P1 is the first paper of the NSC examination for Life Sciences, which covers topics such as cells, tissues, organs, systems, homeostasis, respiration, excretion , and human reproduction. It is important for Grade 12 learners because it tests their knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and principles of biology that are relevant to their everyday life and the world around them.

  • You can download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from various sources, such as the DBE website, the WCED ePortal, or the SA Exam Papers website. You can follow the step-by-step guide that we provided for each source to download them to your device.

  • You can use Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo effectively for revision by following the tips and strategies that we provided, such as planning a study schedule, practising under exam conditions, checking answers with the memo, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and seeking feedback.

Additional resources and tips

Here are some additional resources and tips that you can use to improve your marks for Life Sciences P1:

  • You can use textbooks to review the content and concepts of Life Sciences P1. Textbooks provide detailed explanations, examples, diagrams, and exercises that can help you to understand and apply the topics. You can use the textbook that is prescribed by your school or any other textbook that follows the CAPS for Life Sciences. For example, you can use .

  • You can use videos to watch and listen to the content and concepts of Life Sciences P1. Videos provide visual and auditory representations, animations, demonstrations, and experiments that can help you to learn and remember the topics. You can use videos that are produced by reputable sources, such as teachers, tutors, or educational organizations. For example, you can use .

  • You can use podcasts to listen to the content and concepts of Life Sciences P1. Podcasts provide audio explanations, discussions, interviews, and stories that can help you to engage and relate with the topics. You can use podcasts that are produced by reputable sources, such as teachers, tutors, or educational organizations. For example, you can use .

  • You can use general tips to improve your marks for Life Sciences P1, such as staying motivated, healthy, and positive. Motivation is the drive that keeps you going when you face challenges or difficulties. Health is the state of your physical and mental well-being that affects your energy and mood. Positivity is the attitude that helps you to see the bright side of things and overcome obstacles. You can use various methods to stay motivated, healthy, and positive, such as setting rewards, exercising regularly, eating well, sleeping enough, meditating, journaling, or talking to someone.

We hope that this article has helped you to download Life Sciences P1 November 2020 exam paper and memo from various sources, and to use them effectively for revision. We also hope that this article has provided you with some tips and strategies on how to improve your marks for Life Sciences P1. Remember that Life Sciences P1 is not only an exam paper that you have to pass, but also a learning opportunity that you can enjoy. Good luck with your studies!


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about Life Sciences P1:

  • Q: How many marks do I need to pass Life Sciences P1?A: You need at least 40% (60 marks out of 150) to pass Life Sciences P1. However, you should aim for higher marks if you want to achieve a higher level of performance or admission requirement.

  • Q: How can I improve my speed and accuracy for Life Sciences P1?A: You can improve your speed and accuracy for Life Sciences P1 by practising past papers and memos under exam conditions regularly. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the format, time limit, and marking scheme of the exam paper, as well as to improve your skills.

  • Q: How can I avoid common mistakes for Life Sciences P1?A: You can avoid common mistakes for Life Sciences P1 by checking your answers with the memo carefully and objectively. This will help you to identify your mistakes and learn from them. You should also seek feedback from your teacher, peers, or tutor on your exam paper answers.

  • Q: How can I make my answers more clear and concise for Life Sciences P1?A: You can make your answers more clear and concise for Life Sciences P1 by using correct terminology, full sentences, and logical arguments. You should also avoid unnecessary words, repetition, or ambiguity. You can use the memo as a guide to see how to write clear and concise answers.

  • Q: How can I make my revision more fun and interesting for Life Sciences P1?A: You can make your revision more fun and interesting for Life Sciences P1 by using different methods and resources to review the content and concepts. For example, you can use videos, podcasts, games, quizzes, or puzzles to learn and remember the topics. You can also study with your friends or classmates and challenge each other with questions or tasks.


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