Who is John Paul Tullman? The adoring adult son of murder victim Jim Tullman. He learns that his father has died in our exclusive Vera preview for season 11, in which Vera breaks the news to him.
They entered the Ministry by showing their passes. Once inside, Celia, who had received the layout of the building from a sympathizer on Delaluna, led the group to the Weapons Development Wing, but her identification card did not work, although it was supposed to; the entrance to the wing was now protected by a retinal scan and a daily code. Stephin did not have the equipment, nor the time, necessary to crack the code, so Jinn came up with another plan. He hoped to use a computer to remotely access the files kept in the wing. The only one who possessed access to all files in the computer was the Ministry's director. However, an assistant set behind a desk near the director's office, and the team did not know whether the director himself was inside the office. Jinn then came up with a plan to lure them both out. Taking Kenobi with him, he went to the Internal Security Office. Finding a lone guard inside the office, Jinn introduced himself as a security consultant from Constant Industries, and Kenobi as a new employee, who had been assigned to take the guard's place. Confusing the guard, the Jedi managed to convince him that a security drill was about to take place, and the man activated it.[8]
Drenna explained that she was using the rocshore fish in tracking down the boat that carried Leed away; the rocshore were easily scared and buried themselves in the sand for some time after a boat passed overhead. Drenna, knowing where to look, was following the mounds. Drenna led the Jedi to a small island, believing that the kidnappers were there. On the island, the three indeed found Leed, tied to a tree branch, while his kidnappers were sleeping, nested in the tree branches. The Jedi and Drenna tried to move silently and free Leed, but the kidnappers woke up and sounded an alarm. Armed with dart shooters, they attacked the trio, but the Jedi managed to free Leed and capture the attackers underneath a boat. Leed informed the Jedi that he did not know who the kidnappers were, as they did not speak to him. Jinn, however, noticed that among their equipment were breathing tubes, something the Senali did not need to use, as well as seeker droids with Rutanian royal crest embedded on them. Also, the group's skin was smeared the clay, possibly hiding the fact that they did not have tiny scales that were exclusive to the aquatic Senali.[57]
Jinn agreed to help his old friend. Soon, he and Kenobi arrived at the inn and went to the bounty hunter's apartment, finding her there, sitting silently. Jinn asked the woman to review her contract to see that Oddo was not a criminal, but she did not respond. The bounty hunter then pulled her whip and attacked the two Jedi. She proved to be a formidable opponent, with her whip also doubling as a laser, inflicting a minor wound to Jinn. After a heated fight, the woman escaped though a small crack in the barely opened window. This revealed to the Jedi that the woman was a Sorrusian, a species with a flexible skeletal system. Returning to Didi's Café, where the man took care of Jinn's wound, Jinn decided to find out who had hired the bounty hunter and contacted Tahl so she could use the Temple resources to do so. Tahl did not know the bounty hunter's identity, but she had heard reports of her activity and warned Jinn that the woman was very dangerous.[19]
They found Didi and Astri in their residence, unharmed, but Jinn believed that the bounty hunter would strike soon. He asked the Oddos to tell them the truth about any of the two datapads that Fligh had stolen. Astri then confessed that she had also had deals with Fligh behind Didi's back and that he had given her a datapad for safekeeping which she had now brought with herself. The datapad, belonging to Zan Arbor, was encoded. As the Jedi tried to escort the Oddos away to their cruisers, the bounty hunter sprang her trap, blocking all the windows with durasteel sheets. Jinn turned off the lights in the house, instructing Kenobi to stay close to Astri and Didi, realizing that the bounty hunter would target them first. During the fight, the bounty hunter hit Astri with her boot, hearing a crack and realizing that Astri was keeping the datapad in her tunic. In an attempt to escape, Jinn instructed Kenobi and the Oddos to go up a ramp to the upper level of the building, where they could attempt to cut through the durasteel sheets on the windows with their lightsabers.
The objectives of the work included: presentation of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and fractal analysis based approach to comparison of dosage forms of different composition, structure, and assessment of the influence of the compositional factors i.e., matrix type, excipients etc., on properties and performance of the dosage form during drug dissolution. The work presents the first attempt to compare MRI data obtained for tablet formulations of different composition and characterized by distinct differences in hydration and drug dissolution mechanisms. The main difficulty, in such a case stems from differences in hydration behavior and tablet's geometry i.e., swelling, cracking, capping etc. A novel approach to characterization of matrix systems i.e., quantification of changes of geometrical complexity of the matrix shape during drug dissolution has been developed. Using three chosen commercial modified release tablet formulations with diclofenac sodium we present the method of parameterization of their geometrical complexity on the base of fractal analysis. The main result of the study is the correlation between the hydrating tablet behavior and drug dissolution - the increase of geometrical complexity expressed as fractal dimension relates to the increased variability of drug dissolution results. Copyright 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the treatment of minor blunt injuries several topical drugs are known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They represent, however, two fundamentally different major pharmacological therapy approaches: the "chemical-synthetical" and the "phytotherapeutical" approach. The main objective of this trial (CODEC_2004) was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of an ointment of Comfrey extract (Extr. Rad. Symphyti) with that of a Diclofenac gel in the treatment of acute unilateral ankle sprain (distortion). In a single-blind, controlled, randomized, parallel-group, multicenter and confirmatory clinical trial outpatients with acute unilateral ankle sprains (n=164, mean age 29.0 years, 47.6% female) received either a 6 cm long ointment layer of Kytta-Salbe f (Comfrey extract) (n=82) or of Diclofenac gel containing 1.16 g of diclofenac diethylamine salt (n=82) for 7 +/- 1 days, four times a day. Primary variable was the area-under-the-curve (AUC) of the pain reaction to pressure on the injured area measured by a calibrated caliper (tonometer). Secondary variables were the circumference of the joint (swelling; figure-of-eight method), the individual spontaneous pain sensation at rest and at movement according to a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the judgment of impaired movements of the injured joint by the method of "neutral-zero", consumption of rescue medication (paracetamol), as well as the global efficacy evaluation and the global assessment of tolerability (both by physician and patient, 4 ranks). In this study the primary variable was also to be validated prospectively. It was confirmatorily shown that Comfrey extract is non-inferior to diclofenac. The 95% confidence interval for the AUC (Comfrey extract minus Diclofenac gel) was 19.01-103.09h*N/cm2 and was completely above the margin of non-inferiority. Moreover, the results of the primary and secondary variables indicate that Comfrey extract may be superior to Diclofenac gel.
Diclofenac is a frequently prescribed drug for rheumatic diseases and muscle pain. In rare cases, it may be associated with a severe hepatotoxicity. In literature, it is discussed whether this toxicity is related to the oxidative phase I metabolism, resulting in electrophilic quinone imines, which can subsequently react with nucleophiles present in the liver in form of glutathione or proteins. In this work, electrochemistry coupled to mass spectrometry is used as a tool for the simulation of the oxidative pathway of diclofenac. Using this purely instrumental approach, diclofenac was oxidized in a thin layer cell equipped with a boron doped diamond working electrode. Sum formulae of generated oxidation products were calculated based on accurate mass measurements with deviations below 2 ppm. Quinone imines from diclofenac were detected using this approach. It could be shown for the first time that these quinone imines do not react with glutathione exclusively but also with larger molecules such as the model protein β-lactoglobulin A. A tryptic digest of the generated drug-protein adduct confirms that the protein is modified at the only free thiol-containing peptide. This simple and purely instrumental set-up offers the possibility of generating reactive metabolites of diclofenac and to assess their reactivity rapidly and easily.
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1 1 VTHE EVENING WORLD, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1922.CFINA HUE UOOl)LP MACGRATH -A-Complete Stock Tables Financial NewsmmmmmHAKOLDI Au.tlvor of "THE MAN ON THE BOX"tSfete., ILLUSTR. ATE D BY R.OBER.T E. .I '&j?'.ti2,if r vrf-"r-.yjlrr' ,. --,tr-y-i ..iY7 1 1 -i li'ewt C (v k kIPTHE STORY UP TO THIS POINT.Arthur Cathew, petted son of a wealthy family, is suddenly awakened by anofse at his door. Arthur's habit of late sleeping is rudely broken by a mcs-tage from his father, delivered by the butler, that Arthur is to present, himselfat the elder Cathew's oflicc at once for an interview. Arthur kisses his mothergood by and hastens to a meeting which he knows will not be peaceful.Cathew senior, with much torcc andsjittlc diplomacy, reveals to his sonthat the sun has set upon his day of reckless expenditure. Arthur is put uponan allowance of ?200 a month with the alternative of J50.000 as a lump settlement. Arthur chooses the ?200 a month, a jolt following the announcementofthis best girl that she wouldn't marry him if he were the only man left.The elder Cthcw makes one provision, however, that leaves a loophole forArthur. It is that he will increase the allowance when Arthur lays before him$J0,(XX), honestly earned.That night within a stone's throw ot his club young Cathew is attackedand he awakes in the forecastle of a stcarncr bound for San Francisco via SuezA collision with a mate resulted in serious damage to Cathew but drew himcloser to Corngan, who proposes a joint search for treasure concealed in aheathen idol. Corrigan has a man of the location uitoocd on one of his legsCathew agrees to join the cnterpri.An expedition to the interior of Malacca results in securing the treasuie.rubies and sapphires from the foot of an idol. Kcsentmcnt on the part of thenatives on account of this sacrilege results in an attack in which Corrigan dies.THE priests were moving about.They wero urlnfrinp; fagots fora fire. Cathew stirred a little, but only a little, ns thothongs were of elcphant-hldc Tlicrowas not a bono In IiIh body that did. not ache. Somowhcro during thoineleo ho had been struck upon thomouth. His lips wero cracked anapuffed; and ho could barely sco outof ono eye.Where was Corrigan? Ho cranedhis neck but could too no sign . . .T.prturo! Now ho rcmombcicd allof Corrigan's warnings, that It wasfar better to dlo than 'to tail Into thehands of thcto religions fanatics.They wero building tho fire for lilmlThen It was that fear entered hisheart, and ho wriggled h's Joes toinako 8uro that I1I3 shoes wero stillon his feet ILater they canto to him and rolledhim toward tho tire. Two sat on hisbody whllo a third bound h's arms attho elbows and frenl his wrists. Howhe struggled, choking sometimes as.tho pungent smoke drifted Into hisface! Deliberately the piie&t pushedtho straining hands into tho limit oftho glowing faggots. Cathew sci earnedin agony. Tho tom-toms Ijeg.-m tobeat furiously. Here and there llicychanted dolorously.In tho midst ot all this pow-wowamo tho shnrp crack of a ilfle. Thepriest holding Cathow's hands toppledfkycr into tho lire, scattering it."Corrigan?" murmured tho victim,nnd sank down, down Into a soundlessworld of utter darkness.Drkit. NORDFEL.DT. at tho head ofa botanical exploring partyfrom Johore, with a huntingexpedition as a sldo Issue, was wellpleased-witli himself. Ho had seenWhat whlto men rarely sec and stillinoro rarely llvo to tell ceremonialtorture.Half a dozen shots had broken uptho affair. His elephants had evidently convinced the priests that tlicro-was an army behind. One white manJ10 had buried: tho other lay at onouldo of tho hunting howdah, his handsIn enormous whlto bandages. Holooked llko a dead man, but ho wasonly under tho influence of opiates.Sometimes a low groan issued fromhis swollen purplo lips. Cathow triedto speak.'What? What Is it you're trylnto ay?" asked Nordfcldt."Corrigan?" In a muftlrd tone.'Tour friend? Wo burled him. Howasn't a pleasant sight to look at.Hut I think ho was already dead whenthoy mutilated him."Tears welled up Into Cathew's eyesand rolled down his cheeks. I "or nowho know that ho had loved tho derolict."Did . . . you bury him . .with his shoes on7""Qod savo us. Nash, did you hearthat? With his shoes on? Just aswe found him: but I don't icmcmbcrwhether he had any shoes on or not.Now, what In tho name of Tophelwero you two white men doing uphere nil alono? Hadn't you any foresight? Whcre'd you como from?""Pcra'c.""Did you have any servants?""No.""Didn't they tell you at Perak thattho country was pretty dangerouscast?""Wo knew. 5Iy God. don't ask meany more questions! I'm in hell!"At tho end of two months for theDoctor refused to let his chance patient Interfere with his researchestho expedition returned to Johore.And Cathow bought a first-classticket to Singapore fourteen mllcjaway In order that ho might have acompartment alone. When the trainwas fairly out of tho city, Cathewtook oft liis shoo and wrenched loosethe heel.Two rubles and an emerald; the:had not lcen touched! Sweat trickleddown the end -i his nose and spattered on tho srems. And now to sellthem.Vaguely ho recalled that Corriganhad raid something about Vaal, aDutchman in tho pawnbroklng business, who knocked you down a lot,hut generally gave you somethingworth whllu. He was leaving tho district when he ran full tilt Into a Sikhpoliceman."Vaal," he said; "pawnshop."Tho Sikh spoko a littlo Knglieh,and gave the direction affably. Itwas 11 dingy shop. Ho saw a hugebearded man behind the desk, talkingto a pretty woman. Suddenly theman caught her by the arm andflung her against the-rear partition.It was evident to Cathew that he hmlentered upon a scene of domestic Infelicity. A family row, however, wasnothing to him. He wanted to soiltho stones."Is this Vaal?" he inquired."All! Coom In, coom In, sir," saidtho proprietor.Tho young woman remained withhor back to the partition, sullenlyrubbing her bruised arm. Her s-klnwas tawny nnd her hair was black;but she was patently a whlto woman.Do you buy stones?" demandedCathew."Sometimes," with sudden aloofness. "I don't mean on the pawn-ticketbasis," went on Cathew. "A lumpsum outright.""It depends.""Como over hero .under tho light."Tho huge Dutchman and his visitorstepped under tho lamp, and Cathewdug into his watch-pocket."What will you give me for these'.'""Kthel, hant me dcr glass."Tho woman obeyed, but she lookedwith new Interest at thin young manwho hail doubtless caved her a beat-ing."Whcro dit you get deso?""Nonu of your business," answeredCathew sharply.Vaal turned them over nnd over."I vlll gift you flfo-hunort rupeesfor dem ... or I vlll call in derpolice.""Give them back. Wo can't dorCLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS"CATHEW WAS BORNE TO TH E FLOOR AND THERE HE MIGHTHAVE DIED BUT FOR THE UNEXPECTED AID OF THE YOUNGWOMAN."wbusiness. Those stones aie mine. Ivegone through hell for them.""Yes, yes, dey all say that. Kifehuneit und no questions asked."II-D Willi tury Cathow Mrucktho man cm the mouth. Thegems went tinl'llnt 10 tnefloor. Excruciating pain lan up nnddown Cathew's ami. Tho Dutchman roared and closed in Tho fightwas short and decisive. Cathew wntlorno to tho floor and tlicro ho mighthavo died but for tho unexpected aidfrom tho young woman. She scizrdtho desk stool and swung down withfull strength. An ordinary man'spkull would havo cracked like an eggshell. Vnal rolled over and lay stillwhllo Cnthew crawled aliout on hishands nnd kner.s in search of his possessions. Ho found ono ruby and theemerald. During this time the youngwoman hud f 01 aged alxiul and foundsome ropes. "'"Help mo tie him.""Ho may lc dead.""If there Is any God ho is dead.But ho hap u head liko a gorilla's.Come!"She blew out the light, locked thedoor, and flung tho key Into Urn gfittei. She reized Cathew by Hie handand he followed her dumbly. Aftira whllo ho found his tongue"What was that brute to you?""Myhusband. I havo a right tothe things I took. For moro than ayear he has beaten and kicked me.""Hero are two rickshaws. Get In."He obeyed. Ho ".011ld havo doneanything she nsked, absurd or tragic.The rickshaws ran side by side. Honever looked at her, but sti nightahead."Have you got any money?" shecalled across to him.He shook his head,ho hadn't enough toEurope. A moment later she passeda roll of notes towaid him. Ho accepted them, and they wero heldtightly In his poor scarred hands tillthey reached tho I.loyd dock. Fiveminutes after they went on boarntho steamer slipped her cables."You go to tho purser right awayA-meaning thattnko him toand buy your ticket to Naples. I'llbuy mine later for Colombo. I havean unclo there. Arc tho stones safe?""Good Lord!" Ho clapped his handto the little watch-pocket. The stonrsero there. And for hours ho hadforgotten!"Where did you get them?"He told her the .story, rather incoherently, concluding: "Do youknow anyone in Colombo who wouldbe likely to buy tho stones?"".My uncle, tf hn can't buy them,'lo'll know somo ono who will."The voyage to Colombo was uneventful and when, eight hours later,lie siupprd again aboard the steamerIn his pocket there was an older on aNew York bank for $11,000. Besidesthb ho had in rupee notes a thousandmore.It was a fortune, and he had earnedevery dollar of It by htruggle, ptlvation, in the face of overwhelming odds.ND so tho Involuntary Odysseuscut back to his Ithaca, homoto his mother, his father, nndtho girl, a clear-eyed, In own-skinned,vigorous young prodigal; nnd hisOdyssey had a touch of tho Homeric.Llfo Is also full of nnti-cliinaxes;If you doubt it, wait a little.Two months after CuthcWs ictuinhis father received from Sail I'rnncisco (at his personal request) a linophotograph or the most recent addition to Ills new fleet of orientalf 1 fighters.Of tho twelve ships, eleven had Oriental names. This ono, the twelfth,rctnliifd tho name by which she hadbeen launched. It was distinctlyIrish.After studying the photograph forwhllo Cathew senior chuckled anddrew out of a certain plgconholo Inhis desk two raiKcllcd checks.Tho first, for llvo thousand, wasmade out to Capt Bannorman of thoLimerick; the second, lor a smallersum, was made payable to JamesFall, ostensibly an employment agentbut In reality a crimp of the firstwater. 'And thero you nro!THE END.(Coujrlthi. lOSS, by tho Hull Syndicate, Ino.)Eharts. Wen.7C0 Ail llurnely. 18,ICO Air liedue . M'jMO AJax tluh .. 1.1IMOAmMct.al... .128M0 Allied Out.1 bOHO APIs dial.. 'J'l100 Am Ae Oun .11',1(0 Am Ag C .f JstiIPC Am II Huj . :i7'i710 Am Bosch . KK:X Am Can . . 73iUK) Am C I'd rf 123S-X) Am Cot Oil IS100 Am C Oil pf" Am Hip ... II"' Jli-t A II I. rf ''Ill Am tec ... NOISl") Am In Corp SiMO Am La ft. irilOO Am Un on so300 Am 1, O it IS'.fcoO Am I-oeo .. lOT'i100 Am lUd .. irPOO Am H Itafc. T'USMI Am 8!i'.i . . EOiit:oO Am tfnirtt.. .V.,l" Am Hint i-f. Wi"J"i Am H Kdiy .7't.-0') Am Huf.l . VI-.iH Am TIT. 123',7i Am ToN ... 1.VIli Am Toll II.. 15U,i) Am Wcot .. !'"Si;t AmAVl'fti rf '-7fi$i) Anaconda .. tii'ili An U floods G-'lj100 Ano Oil ... 11711ltf0 Atcll 102'i;si Attn rt ... wytoo Atl C Una. lllVi1W Atl lr c'.n. IVi100 Atl . WI 21111O0A ( A WI rf l"'1Slnl Alias Tack, trillr.u0 Aui Nichols Cl'i10S5O riald Loco..420i1 Halt Ohio 42';ioo luit i o rt cviro namtdall A C32C0 Ilarn4all U 202f0 Iltccti-Nut . .12';2T0 Ilctli Steel . l'iOtfO Ikth Ptl B 62;SCO Ilctli 811 N 032f0 llttiH pf bpc UOiS1C0 booth Halt. (Id) Hrlt E f)iel 0700 Uklvn Cdl.i. ltailif 0 llkljn H T 10'iM0 II It T cts UK llumi Ilr A..1IU1!m0 11111113 llr II 4.1100 lliirim Dr pf.lOj'l8iO lluttc C AZ 10lluttc Sup .. 31 !STOCKS END YEARWITH EXCELLENTSHOW OF STRENGTHofPractically All ClassesShares Close With Display of Optimism.In tho last market session ot thoyear tho list to-day gavo nn excellent account ot itself. Prices ofpractically all classes of .shareI ruled 8trong throughout tho twohours of business, and In most instances reached tho highest pricesof tho day In closing dealings.Tho financial district remainedwithout any frcsli nows to accountfor tho display of optimlhm. It was0 ident that much of the strength wasduo to covering by an extremely ncr-ins short Interest, but at tho same1 mo thero was unmistakable evidenceOnly Booty Polite Burglars GetIs Drink and New Year's WishesTwo armed robbers who entered tho home of William Thompson atTcauecU, N. J lait night, left with no booty other than good cheer In thoform of a drink of wino and the New Year's wishes of Thomppon. Theyannounced they had come to get several thousand dollars in cash whichth-jy understood .vas In tho house.The pair drove up In an automobile,rapped on the front door and Inquiredif Mr. Thompson, the builder andcontractor, lived thero. Thompson,upon admitting his Identity, wasforced into tho hall and told to throwup his hands. With revolvers ho andMrs. Thompson and their four children wero held at bay.Tor ten minutes they conversed rogaiding the money, which Tompsoninsisted he had invested three weeksago in stock. He offered to wrlto acheck for $E0O Instead. Tho Intruderswero obdurate, ?o finally Thompsonsuggested that they discuss the matter over a glass of wine. The pairacceded to this, and finally admltotdthey were beaten.One of tho men suggested that theyshoot up tho house, but the otherobjected, so they deported quietly withThompson's New Year withes ringingIn their ears.Tclophono wires had been cut, osomo time elapsed btforo tho poheocould ho notified,class of rails and industrials.Wall Street forsees distinct improvement In tho railroad situationduilng tho early months of tho nowyear, particularly from tho standpoint of gross and net returns; foi -seessubstantially bolter conditions Intho copper market with a rising scaleof prices In prospect and has formedtho opinion that the steal business thooil business and other basic Industrie?will experience substantwlly greaterat Investment demand in tho better prosperity, than they havo been ex-perlencing during recent months.Theso conclusions undoubtedly hadmuch to do to-day with the bidding upto-day of leading steel shares untilthey showed gains of a point or moro.and wero responsible for gains ranging from one to aliout three points incoppers, equipments, oi!;, motois undothers, including rails.The grain markets were active butfnllod to show material chang". Foreign exchange way practically unchanged.PACTS IN CASE OFTUXEDO SHIRT CO. SUITAction llnitiKlit AKfilfiKl ltornlfrK."ruens Co, Wimn't Ahoaln Vi'nr Conlrncl.Tho Bvening World of Doo. 21 toldhow two litigants In Supremo Court,Juetlco Colialm's court, had settledeult for nllogpil violation of contract byawarding J9.UO0 to charltabln inftitutiont., nrul how Justice CohaUn nnd theattorup.s tor tlie i'.' .nar.tK had selectedthe bfii'lirlnrles. I'hro'igh Informationsupplied bv u new agency, tho ropoMconfused tin: nnnH-: ol tho parties totho Milt and eircneously stated thattho contract Involved was a wartime.contract.Tho action wa.j brought by thTuxedo Shirt Company. Inc., whowPresident Is Harry Kaufman. Bgalnuttho nosiMiberg-Neusnss Company. Inc.o' which Otto li. Nougass Is nn officerWhile tho tilal was In prosrc.is thocourt xi used the tury for ton mlnutosmid hUKKf-stcd to tho nttorneys that nicttlemont might tic mndo. After 1heated oontiienco it was agreed boiwnn Mr. Kaufruun, noting for thiplaintiff, and Mr. NougauB, representingtho defendant, tnnt tlio sun hit baitieufor $0,000. tho full amount to go tocharity.ti i.i.v swoit.N iv as m:ciii:taiitii .ii'yricn nwsiKTv.,Io-.cr;h M. Tally, at nr. tint fc.rt..iIn County Clerk Willhun i:. Kelly ofKlntrs County, was sv.oin 111 to-day liIlri)olln .is writ Ury l" tiipri-me CourtJu tin. HnuM-rty. Mr. Tuliy ha benMuretary to tin County f'lerk tor thlat five years. lore that ho as 5'Cretary to Horouzh President UlegrlmunnHe liven at No. 70 Ilewe street. Drool:lynLon.13fs'i12Cl'i311h73 uITu0!..w,ll'iCOM 'i:7i11:-:o;o'i 1."1:3', is:.1.-.1K-OtiLastr.S",1.1 -cm;tiiSITiW,n:.i4SU78.1S5It -SOlnHjtl'l -nr. --SHU11mi;K7i11.-,7'1NttChse.1'1'4-li5!rt..117 VjIf 'Jf.Millil'eft iIS",I.3:J4ins1r.i4.-itsot.-.ir.j'.Ml".M'i117'sUC1 1ll 4111'..JI-,i.-.-ul.'.'ilMi12 ;5S'IOsi ; r.mOl'iV OHi, ' 2!in.IOO Cal I'aek ..IOiUh'j Cnl I'. to . . . .IM Cal Tit rf-.4,Q0 Callalimi H.4fi0 Can Paclflo.CUoO Ci nt 1.0.1 . .IChj Cent L nf.."floO Crro He I".3700 Ciian Not. .C'lici & O...(,00 Cht S. All..1MI C & n III..(no Chi Ot W..i.no Chi G IV tittwoiil 1" Tool..110O O M .t Ht I'SiaM CM & Stl' rf21(i0 C t NwlhI3i:s;usIIIlt-if.arC7712i2s '4I'iM,Ml,SMiTlo'iSIt05HO'i.'niai',tr.its!t1H42ilost,PI.3P.1S".t'OH,in;'jins:;it,i;s-14',iWlj"I'i2'tBliarn. IHsli.HCO l.ce I(ulibcr 2'ilICO Lthlth Val. 70i400 Lima Loco . COSlioo IxkK's Inc.200 Ixift Ino .. ll'.i.TOO StacytCo rf- HI2000 Mnck T Inc 671100 M Tlnctntrf 02SO) Mclntyra ... 18000 Mncnia Cop 31 114MK1 MRlllimon .. W,IIK1 Mm) Dlcv . rJ,0KiO Man Kiev . i'.'i.ino inn i:iv ctn :oiUi Mnn Shirt . I'l'iIIH1 Mark Ht Ity 9 '1(11 Mkt St It (f 412KiO M H II rr rt 70i40(1 M H It 2d rf 202!KK1 Mnrlanil .. SOUId) Martin I'al. 284li nI Mntlilrwin . 4S1ml Ma Mot A ,'.0U100 Max Mot 11 Wjlml May Dcit S C.s'i2.'.m Mx tWnb . 17YiI1K1O M Hcali ct. I1V4 1t(-i Mliitnl Co.. 27Uu) MM- St Oil. ll'atnii MMtnio ... 2S';.(Hi M .(. Kt I.. . . 0IW MKX.T 112iO MKiT llJi1.00 MKAT if Kfl2iil Mo l'no ... 10',100 Mo l'nu (if.. 431.1(iO Mont Power lit700 5lont Ward. 221aMtl Mother I.oile II '41W Moon Motot IMi31 '571' 11100 CINnrat rf 1171200 CHI 4. l'a E2'iloocnur 03 rf n71400 Cllllc 37111100 ciino ...... 2(i";1300 duett-Pen . 70UHUD Civ:.i Cola . 7!'4,-ii ci r I. 2710300 Con Motois. 11l."0 Col OnH . . . IMliIlfO Col Graph. .100 (Jot (Imp rf 8200 Com T U 70;,o0 Con Clear . CH'ii2wio Con flan .. 1221300 Con Textile. 11 iSWiO Cont Can.. HB'icmio Corn I'rod. I331i2CK) Corn I'r rf 1-OVi7100 Cn!.den Oil "lVoh oil pf. tunij... 71;CrucibleWHI I'uh Am KuMM Uu O Su pf5300 Co Oaa v I!737112li7077isr.Hi',111.",7i7o3S12110iUlli132 "412'J'lM4ICW'i70142r.a,:;ntHO'iKO'4tl13 I'i10'i13lll'ir:iio.-.'i10it ','Ml(I.-,1014l"lib .I1HU7711;2',2ts.I''I!".',23"ja 1 itHI11732 li1-7371I'i2(1 170'7III0i, -IMi 'i7 T i.70Sla r121 --10'iII.'. I-132 -t120".Til100'i t70j2.")iHO'",2'iI'i4li270i) Co Cas rtn 2', 3 2 1 '.100 Ddv Ch'm. 32 32 32100 Dol & W 127 127 127 4 J100 11 8 S4A pf Mi 41i Hi 'i1700 Uu Fon ..112 109 HI "'000 1t Kodak !'0 J'J K r1300 111 H Hat.. ."7i r.-'i '(,200 l-lkhom ... 1UI, lTi H"i 'i200 Ilin. ruon U U'l 'j I- V,2100 llndlcolt-J .till; I'l'i Ill's H I14C0 lino 11 IC'l II r17C0 Hrlo 1ft Pf 13't U'.i ''"i 12C0 Urle 2d pf ll'i II IHi l'i1400 Tarn Plj-is 921i Dt'i 02!i l'iICO l'lsher Uody 2C9'i 2f0'.i ICJ'i Hi1100 Fink Hub. . 13H IS 138300 Freeport T. 20i 1D, 20-y, 27000 3th Avll 1 W OH I0S li500 Qcn Kl Spl llli Usi 1114 '200 Oen A T C US liSli S 3200 CenAT C pf lOIVi 101 lul'42100 Otn Anplult 401; 4'i 43 '120O Oen An pf. e0 60 fcO -f 1100 (Itn li!: .. lS21i WiV4 lWVi li11000 Con Hot ... ll'i H li-- 'I00O Cen M Dol). HI Wl"i Wi. - '410J (5 M D 0 pc Hlli bl'i " blH --100 did on ... lO'.i Wi ioi,2100 Oolwyn . . . . IH 4i 4i 'iUOO ('oodrlch . CO l'i SITi 4200 Orwiby . . . . 24"4 '' 1 Vi 21", 7i2400 Gr North r 7.1'i 74 7411 ,000 Gr N O ctK Mli 30 30100 Gujii Pui.. 10 10 in100 Gulf MftN'pf 41 44 41tW Gulf 6 BU )1 801, it) hoi.; 1 i4OiO lloueton . . 7l'j Ul Il'-i I'ir.l'O lludeon Mot 27K, ii". 27'ItOi) lupp 25'i 24'j '1100 Hydraulic S 41i Mi i'i i200 i n t 1. 10'i in 10'i u300 III Central . 113 113 113 1400 Indlihoma . I2i 12 1211(100 Iimplmtlon .. S3Vj 3li l&Vj "i200 Inter Cons . Si '.A HBOO Inter C pf. !l i x 11100 IntcrA O pf CI SI CI I700 Intor M M P'l Mi 014 - 1,bOO Inlir M Mpf 44 W 43'1 43,1W0 lntr Nickel 13'i 13U - 'i100 Inlir N' rf. !U Wi l'i r '.412UH Int I'upei.. Wli r,P S2'j t '.COO hit I'pfSta 73 73'i 7'. I,-no Invincible... Hli IPS ll'i100 Iron I'rod.. 4 4 l" i400 Wand Oil.. li U !i100 Jewel Tea . . 2011 20VJ JO'l 71100 JbhcI T .f. 74 71 71 SVi10(1 Jonea II Tf 03 821, 5Jl 4- I;000 J Kaystr N.. 421i II 4311 -f !i2O0 J Lou I'd - I Pl'i leil'j 1"?'i - V.300 Kan City Ho 19 Hi l -1 '.i300 li City Ko pf 5J, MT, W' ! Hi4uo Kan t- (lulf. 1 11, ' 4b'00 Kflly.SI 10 "' 9 ' "'i100 K-8 pf 6 pa lC."j 1C2'.- H2'i l"iIOO Kley Wh'l K9 1C0 100 - l'i2000 Knnccolt . Id't I5l SUt. - 1CSW) Keyntone .. 0', 8;, ,- ',:! l.c,edt Gat 3 51 2'iIJir.2770SO19n",112t?i021711Cl'ics.104I-;r.b'j411 ' j114llim24".-si;2S1-14SSOU1.1ir.'t-I.ViJ7'in'i.f1,11ti".CSt,1.V,4.P,C22';11isr;if;cm,ii?7elI.ait, Chensou i'i70 - .to v,19 'jU'.l112R7Jifi3ISnmci u47Sco1;40Ttu417UU262112SV,1H1.1'i -(IS -hi'; -1I.-.',27',mi iCOMPLETE CURB QUOTATIONS1 uii4- 1ViHf- "I2;4- 2'iM4- "iHili'IIMill).STANDAItD OILS.ntloAni Oil ISkliatitln l.obo, 51,iluckcye I' I M!,Ureittnt I I, 411(lln Slitial ,17Illinois T L IMf,Imperial Oil Cda 113International ret 22 liMainotU Petroleum 181Ohio Oil SK'lI'raltle O I U 04 (1Prairie Pipe .1UMouth Tenn Oil 1USHtandard Oil Cal iv I.... (ill;Htnml Olt Kanena w I ... l.'.'iStand Oil Kanaas w I II 4Htandard Oil Kcnturky ..12SHtandanl Oil Imt t'.0!iCtaudard Oil N Y r. I.... 411 1;Vacuum Oil w I 40HIN11K1T.XUKNT OILSt 1Kil N'at Acme . It',C2M1 Nut Illcult. 34Hl N Con & a 'i 'i13KI .Vat Hn JL H I17'j f.fl'lKm NltllM Utpf 7 73i) XltltM 2d pf 2!l 2TI12() Nv Con ... M .I'.'W N Y Air II. 20S-00 N V Cent .. II 111loo N V lck . 22C"oo N Y.N 1 1 (t II 21 'iloo NY O W 20',100 N Y Ship . 12li' hi Nor & West 1124Iih) North Am . loo';700 Nor Am rt 4S'.lKKI Nor I'ac .. 7.1:(X) Okl.i ltef .. 1,100 Oils Steel .. SbOOO Pack Mot .. lHiM) Pao (I t. 13 h..r.0J I'aiifle oil.. Hl',i1(00 Pun-Am Pet P.'70iHI I'-Am Pet li fcIT,12HO Par & lilng 1 HiIHihi IV 1111 II It.. It!!,4IKK) Pi nn Seali . 2,221HI Pi.p'K lillM. O.Tilino Peru Mar . SH4I0i IM1II11 Oil .. IIhi'") Plillllpa Pet 17l(l Plerco-Ar . l.'l'Mm PI is Wis .. .17l.mo 1'liiiu Oil . 1U0 Pitta Colli. OrCi'uO Pitta & V V 3.',7100 Ponk Cirek. 40li) Pre., Kt Car 81 iblilO Prod & Iter. SU'i10(1 Pul K of NJ Ul'iWtO Prt or NJ pf 4OO2000 Pullman ... l.'ioi;.li'm Piitita Alcit. 41'.'.W'OO Pure Oil .. Ca'.iK10 Hay Con ... ll!iI3IMI Itelldllll! ... 71171i'mio ItcploKlo ... 2I;Cum Itepulilio ... 10Pi hi licynoldii ... 224100 lleyn T pfll Ki1U0O lloyat Dutch 2,t!t .1 l.tad. . 1012ii Ht Iyb't r. 2HiPJO Ht !.4Hc9t 30HK- Heura-ltoo . M3b00 Hhcll Un O 12,22100 Hlaclalr . .. 332300 HUolly Oil . in;2ll Bloxa Hhef . B!ll(l H P It Hug II2lill Hon Pae . . MVi1t"l Hou It'ivny . 2"i'Cwj-1 Hplccr Mfe 21 UIfUKi 8 O of (' .. 121 'i2i(MO S Oil of NJ 4H,ICO B OIlofNJnf libS' Htcrl Prod.. U2H30(H1 Htmvart-W. 701200 Htrombeig.. i.il'i203O0 Htudel.alcer 117300 Sub lloat.. . 7'i13W Sup Oil ... 0',1300 Snccta of A 2lbCU Tenn Cop . . lOJi7110 Texas Co . 10tbOO Ti Gulf si 01tin Tt Pao .. il3710 Tlx C i o 21V'j1(0 Third Av .. luilbTO Tlmktn Co. S3',1( 0 Tldv 124100 TSL & W pf 07'.i1710 Toll Prod .. S7,24CO Tob Prod A 81UOO Trana-C . . 11100 Un II t P. wyt1000 Un Pao ... 13811000 Un T Car., bl100 Unit Alloy. 31IChj United 1'iui 7011300 Unit 1 rult . 151100 Unit Ity pf 27C700 Unit Hit ..11KH) 11- H 0 I P.200 U H C I P Pf2(i0 U 8 Ind Al2100 V U Iltalty.3000 U H Rub...MOD U S Hteul .I.Vi23iUlli20!iIfl'l121121017;437l'll'i8I0iSl,CX.01bl13'i4IH12110.1C.,III'P,13W,3!i(W30" 481 "j411 14Illli101130l271H'i70214S21'i4832'i2 Hi:,obd12'131oil8 '4IIbfl21",20'j110,K'l'ilib02 'i74'103",113'.!,IIIP. -;:sii -nn; -43:.in2i",l -11'.tf?.H'i r34?irtiii -7 4.21 13i2.1iOP.i2111201112112103Ij'i7IU14810?i8.1IdHISI'i14H4'li0:sCU'iIt 4- '4ll'iM 'sun i1ti83 i.-.on -Htli 110'i ;01 i100130IS2U'i141i79'i2144- !i14" l4- H!IH'i 4 '.I102tT308014Hiii1i-"i3.1?;:si!l -41b!l'i 42 V.20, -121 2ill'i 2U11570:;711inx;SS'.iMlli10711SOj U a Sled pf 1211.C'JO Utah Cop300 Van Slffl ..JOO Va C Cheni2uO VlvaudouIW Wliaali pf A100 W'ella l a 1 bo700 w Atary . .MO S'et Vie ..O'JO Weet Pac pf41KJ Wct Air . .GOO Wen Mtg . .I40O Wh . L r...toil W Uagle..300 Whlto Mot.200 Whlto (HI..CJ Wllfon100 Wllaon 1 !2111 Wlllyu iiv. 1100 Willy, ii pfljO Woolwoilh.2(1 Wor pump.03'i.132Pt13i'l'i01IHjIS'iISIU'4eouO'i20',103"iSiHi87'",!'.",210,32'.Hi10',4b'.ituil'i;o13',3312407!w37',b013'i60137 US531701iI.il'i2774 lvy.71 !if.S!1id'.i1001;121710131',21o21'.91ll'i15mi;108'i60 Vil"l2d'i4';HiCO87(A4:2l:iUP,G2'i70CO'i1177'1O'i4-2'42'.Ho'lon Wyoming . .Cnrlli f4ndlcalov ,CMtlaa . flerrlceCities Hcrvlro pf . .Colombia 8ndlcaioCreolo Hvndlcate ..lVdeial Oill'enslandGllllland OillllfllllKl. nilGulf 1)11 PaKlrby Pet'Latin Am aI.owiy Oilfo'ons PftoMammothMniueiittio oil ....Maria nil Mcx ,,,,,Menltt OilMidwest Tela, ....Mountain Prod ....Mutual OilNew I3nc Kuel Oil. Hi. .VI.177. n7'l. H,. 2;. 7rt. Ml2'i'l'iCil-i2'.lCOH.8!4D;13S3li ,.10itni.'PiIH'i'.Noble Oil 23'Ohio IlnnitrAmir Oilpennock OilI'.yun ConsSalt Creek Prod ...Bapulpa ltefRlmma TotSouthern P t It ...Southern States OilTexan O t LTexas KendalTinmanWlkox OilWoodburnWood leyY Oil:i1 '.014''31SNnni'ir.i33irVi2313Iaivt, Last.17 lS'i 5'.487 W 8H44ll 4007 fi7101 103U113V1 113142111 22H104 101SSJ'i 2S3!i2I r.10323 310Id 1 lcs00 no'i4 l'i 4.1U41 4.112U HIIM'li '10'i411 411 !i4.V, HUi,8.It, Hici; k'.i17.1 177(lJ ll7i1", PS2K 272 70mt-; id".211 2'ili-r,i'i r-i'i2'i 2'iir, COH. Hi8:1 8:117 Jl"i13 13Sil'.i ll'i81, -J.10 .10I7U 17iKli ::i'i4ll'i 4ll'i27 :s3 aIr-. W.U'.i OVi4i 4iSH4 21i2U a12'i 130 '1I.1V1 M',S.12 .1253 .V.Ji', 1A(l'i HI21 231 Pi 13MININO.Alai-Hr Col 17, Hi 111Itlark Hank 14 11 IIUle l.rdce 3 4 4llo,t Mont Cons 14 12 IICanada Copper 2 -Canarlo Cop 2!i 2'i 2!iCons Cop Mln S'l Sti S'.iCons Nev Utah 14 12 12Coik Trov 13 1.1 1.1Cortba Hll l'i t iV I ftCiesson Gold if, 2'i -'",Dean Cons 73 7.1 7.1Dlvldo Hxt 11 11 IIDr den Gold "I HI t131 Haivador 3 3 .1Huiaka Croems 31 20 StI'ortuna ill 20 CIColdfloid Pior '.". 24 SSHard Hhell it :iHecla Mln N h Htlllt Top Nev Hi -I 1i HiIndependent Lead .... 31 33 Ul.ono Htar 7 7 7Natl Tin 23 23 2.1New Dominion 2'i 2!, 2HNlplsalnc '-a "liOhio Cop 63 53 53Itny llorcules Hi l'i HiHlclimond Cop 21 21 21Silver Mines Ama 18 18 18Uo Am P O .I'.i 31; 3'iSpearhead Oold 8 7 7Tonorah Divide 08 C7 C7Tonopah Kit SY, 3'i iiliUnited Uastern '-',', 2 2VU 11 Continental IS II 1.4Unity Gold .'i'i 3i 31iWest lind Con Hi 1 ', ' !jWoat Utah 1.1 13 1"'P.ONDH.Allied Packers Ss 82',; 82'i 2'tAm Cotton Olt (Is Oil'i IWI,FOREIGN EXCHANGE.ic. n46'i - H1 H.20, 4- ',21 "l 4- 'iis-, ;33 U '.4124 137 !i i.17 4- Ut 7413:avs13881.117U!im271H-t- 1;4- Hi2tO'i71 liC '.'.Hint4- H,MIU IHM'i 1IW'i Ut217i - 'iOViVOfficial total aaks, 600,200.iiVPiIS'.,-P.VIll'i16'.KHHiCO 14Oil2d4(134KdVi87(.".12illi431 ,iHiBliSHi4- 1f Hit.03'41.0.1',!7 I-''.1.1.1To-day. Vest ). W'U AboBtorllui (pai 1486 per sovereign).Demand 4.B.1H 4.(131,Cttbloa I.31i 4.034Prnnca (par 19.3 cents per franc).Cheelca 7.34 7.27Cables 7. Cl'i 7.27 'tItaly (par 18.3 cents per lha).Checks 3.00 0.00Cobles .1.0914 B.(i jGermany (pjr 23.8 cents per cold mark).Cable 0110 .0133 011.1Snlttetlsnd (par 10..1 cents per fianci.Cablea 0113 18.93 18 b'JHolland (par 40.2 cents per florin).Cables C9.01 30.38 C'J.b.)Delilum (par 19.0 cents per franc).Cables 0.75 U.CS 0.60Austria (decimal of a cent to tho cruwnlDemand 0014'i .OOMIi .001 114Oreoca (par 10.1 cents per drachma).Cablea 1.20 1.20 1 20Hicdon (par 28.8 cents per cronn).Cables 27.0J 27.02 20.01Norway (par 28.8 cents per crown).Gables 18.80 16.90 19.01Denmark (par 20.8 cents per crotin).Cables 20.(12 20.69 20 72Bpaln (par 191 cents per pceata).Cables 13.70 15.71 13.79Hungary (decimal of a cent to the cionDemand 044 ,04'i .04'iCzectio.Blovaltta (par 20.3 centa per crouni.Damand 3.11 8.13 3.08roland (decimal of a cont U the-mark).Demand 0050 TOSH .0003Finland (par 19.3 .ents per rruik).Demand 2-52 2.52 2."l.luco-SSIavta (dtumal of a cent to the irotMi1remand '. .'-'7 "P.oumar.ta (decimal of aunt to (he !'.uDemand 39 .38'4 . 'JCanada (cents pei dollar).Damand 05.73 03.0JJapan (par 40.8 centa per yen).Cables 48.93 44.78Hongkong (par 69.32 cents per dollar)Cablea 63.00 02.91 5Calcutta (par 32.41 cants per rupee).Cablaa 31.33 C1.20 31.00Au-entlna (par 42.45 centa per paper pen-)Cables 37.00 33 UO111 all dents ptr mllrtla).Cable. ... .1171 !!.Chili (par 2n 1 nla per pap'i' ! 1Cables ... . U.m ll"7. inch. :Am Hep Corp lis ... M'iAm Smelt A P.. f s .... 01',Anaconda 7 i.i Inrt'iAnaconda Os 101 Vi) :Armour & Co 7s ,. lU31alie 111 fiteol 7s 23 101 'Ileth Steel 7s 35... lOST. :Can I'ac 0, ion; :Copper Kip Ss 2,1.... .... I0J, ;Cuban Tel 714s 100H :Detroit Ctty Gas 6s 101 '4 :Detroit 13d ( l jojii :Dunlop T It i... . 0HGalr Itobt 7s.... V&u,cult oil 7s ... . 103',, :Hood Itubliei- 10014 :Inter It T 8, 7Laclede Gas 7s. . lull; 'I.lbby Men k L 7i . . . On'.lAUisle) (1 & 1-31 5s... . HI1,Natl CloaK t ... 1 0.14, :Natl Lentner 8, 18111 'Public Svs NJ 7s 105H :Htil OH NY 7s 25 101Ht.l Oil NY 7s 38 10H14Htil Oil NY H'i 1C7Swift Co 5s 2f. MiTtdal Osage 7a 1C2',tJnlte.l Oil Prod S Kill')tio Coal (Is 7114POIH3HIN HONHf.Arentlne 7s 1C0V4,KlnK of Netlierlil He , . WHMexico C.oU 0a fttPbMexico l!ot f.s IfMfxleo Govt 4a wuMexico tloit 3s , 11Russian 514 Ctf 11INDUSTRIAL!.Aetna CoalAcme PnckinxAmal LeatherAm TypcfoundAm I.lKlltlltlddy lluilsCont Can w ICox's CasIi StoresI) L k W Coat.........Illlbllel' C k It...Durnnt Motor ,Durant Motor of Ind..,Gardner Motor .Glen Aldtn Coal ,M A Hnnna pf 'Ilnycs Wheel ,llocklnc ValleyImperial Tobacco ,..Inter lluhberLueey Mff;Martin l'i rea lineMerrer MolMercer Mot V T CMeenbl IronN V TrniMNow I'lcllon PubNull MotPeerless MotPrima ItadlnIladli) ComIteo Mot Truck t..Houlhern Coal .t. Iron.HluU MotHwKt Iniernntloual . .tlnlteil Profit Bluir newUnited Ilet CandyII H Dlstrlbtitlni:U S I.ltlil H,Willy Corp Its pf 7Wlntlier Mot OSS m 03 "saX2 iN Si ''1.1 - ..-gHI l 'I &.J13tt 131 l.JlIS IA 1 ''S4.1H I3l W8 8 8 .8S14 854 824 VH 81; :.H72" 71 7IH t,'20 Vi 20 . 201a10 10 1"W. Ml Mi ' -'j,102 102 10: J"314 381i 3-S174 17'i 17'.1 :i?i 1T 7 T'414 444 . iim34 SVi 2'iisw i2Vi ;tW M'4 28 ,1 1 1H4 'H4 Hi i77 77 "1 1 I344 .VI1314 ink ii. .rvt 33 r.17i 17i 17't7 nn 73H ftk li i :l'inim .11Guticura Helps To KeepThe Skin Fresh and Young 'Dailv use of the Soap keeps theskin smooth and clear, while touchesof the Ointment now and then prevent little akin troubles becomingserious Cuticura Talcum is idealfor powder and perfumingBiMpI, XftrrMtrUiH. aitJrm' "Ort.tim Um ,l,iln Dwft. ,tS, KaI4u , His." KolJ rr-we, napZi.uiDLm,,i3,ntiouc i.ipuia w.,tutlcur, aaa .a.vc, wimoui mat .Dr. BELL'SPine-iarHoneyiI, I.VIII JIINM3KAIIDA 11AS I'OIITSSTOVIS IV IIV STOO.M.1'IjY.MOUTII. Heo. 30. Th liner Mln-nrkahdn, from New Torlt Dtc. 21 forPlymouth, Chcrbours and Ilnmburc.which arrived hero to-day, ha.l a thirtyhour mrusge" :t nea vtitti thi reveraetorm which has tieen iag,nt In theAtlantic. The hish r.-aies hammeredthe liner hard, a number of port -elnestovu in.mm $03. IS4'J.OO:.053S I.BELIEVE HOBO SEIZEDIN SOUTH IS BERGDOLLTALiLiAUASSEK. Fla., Dec. 30Taken from - train as .1 hobo, policehe'- ato holiunc 11 man behowil to beGrover Clavoland licit doll, tl'.- T'hlladolphla draft dod;er. Tho mno savo hisname as Bill Jones mid nla l.oino asI'rle, Ta. Po'ir.o sent llniei pi 1 it toWashington yesterday ami wi 1 he-id t..iman until an Invc'tlgatloii Is mado.llersdoll was tepoaied reecniiy te haveleft Ormany In an attempt 10 cute.- thjUnited State-. ,For Coughs and ColdsNothinj aapa your -rltajlty and tiosradown your work mora than coldthai kind that drags on and on.Danish those atrencth-steaHng coldsqslcfclr.elincly. Dr llelTa a tlma-proeesiremedy breaks tight, rasping sourraa,looMns phlegm, soot hes Irritated throa..Check colda at'tha atari But Dr. Bell'stodtr. All drugcUl, ,30c.CTtutt lubfiituteyNE-TXB.Iia'tsr'Intitt on DaulkELL's.00TOPH8B.A1DELPHBANew Vear'a Day, January 1li :rt, r ja o' -t en rptclai train data forMitch tr-U' J. P J 1? Sen York, W 'Aid 8t .7 43 A 1 Llli-rty Hi 8.CU A M. ; JackaoaA J . J r ry City H'i A MNEW JERSEY CENTRAL 2ff7e9595c